Monday, 20 April 2015

Knitting, Sitting & Shit Ankle

The ol' shit ankle is flaring up again. I don't remember what I initially did to it, but two years ago I was walking and rolled my ankle on the edge of the pavement, causing a huge flare in the original injury and was hobbling around for several weeks, icing it and keeping it elevated. Last week, while walking Bisou, I had to defend her against a roaming Husky who was trying to make her its bitch. When I pivoted on my left foot to scare away the offending roamer (it worked, by the way), doing so must have aggravated the Shit Ankle Gods, because it's been going out on me at random ever since.

Last night when KJ got home from work, we went to the gym and I got on one of the elliptical machines. Ol' Shitty was yelling at me on every downward step on the left foot, so I had to give it up and go for the bike instead. I guess it's just as well. Change in the gym routine is good, I'm told, but I prefer ellipticals to bikes. I also prefer morning exercise to 8 PM exercise, so an 8 PM bike ride was blaaahhh.

Pain is not helpful, you guinea pig asshole.

In dog news, Tipper is on a diet of white rice and boiled chicken as of yesterday morning, and she seems to be enjoying it. Her butt has ceased falling out as of Saturday night, thankfully, and she's feeling much better (as I type this, she is quietly woofing and rumble-growling at a pedestrian walking a dog up my street). I was pretty concerned and horrified all day Saturday, but she's back to normal.

So, Shit-Ankle Sunday resulted in a lot of quality time with my couch and knitting needles. I finished this right-hand mitten this morning, having worked my way to the thumb yesterday.It still needs to be felted (ie: boiled and rubbed furiously). Working with double-pointed needles is not always my favourite thing to do, but if you ever decide to try it out, I highly recommend Caspian from Knit Picks. They are not only pretty, but they have excellent points and are lightweight and don't fall out of your work like the nickel plated ones do.


Compared to a finished, felted mitt.

Now to enjoy a cup of coffee, start the left mitt and try not to fall asleep because I woke up too early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. 

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