Saturday, 22 July 2017

Friday Night Adventures

Last night's fishbowl adventures were successful. Maybe too successful. We ate, we drank, we laughed (mostly at Allison's facial expression when I suggested she drink tequila). The eating and drinking continued when the 6 of us came back to our house and played Cards Against Humanity till about 12:30 AM. It was a riot! Much laughter and many terrible jokes at other people's expense ensued.

One of the tamer rounds... Cocktimus Prime vs Cockasaurus Rex won.

After everyone went home, however, much vomiting ensued. I don't know if it was something I (over)ate, (over)drank, or the combination of the two but, around 2:30 AM I lurched out of bed and lived out the Friday night of a frat boy till 4 AM. I am fairly certain the last time I got that sick (minus the bout of a stomach bug in 2011) was during what I will call "The Dominican Hot Dog Disaster"; this was much like that, but without Kevin having to break into a resort's storage closet to get garbage bags and drinking water for his girlfriend (yep, we weren't even married at that point, and he married me even after seeing my poor choices regurgitated into a clear plastic bag).

Kevin on our wedding day.
So, because my stomach feels like a wrung-out dish rag, my breakfast this morning is nothing exciting, unless you find 4 month expired Gatorade that someone else left in my fridge exciting. (thanks, Melissa O.) Anyway, something else happened yesterday besides me losing sleep on my bathroom floor: Kevin made sushi! He even made a couple veggie rolls for yours truly. I think he was reminded of how labour-intensive sushi is to make. He was in the kitchen for two and a half hours, at least, and kept grumbling at the ingredients about them being bastards. But here are the abundant, delicious fruits of his profanity-laced effort:

I have to say, he did a pretty great job. They tasted good, the rice was nearly perfect, and the rolls held up to being manhandled by the chopsticks without falling apart. Give yourself a pat on the back, Kevin!

Today, we have an annual family gathering to attend. I am sure it will come with its challenges, hangover-wise as well as food wise. There is almost always endless temptation at these things, but at least drinking won't be one of them. I am the official designated driver for us today, and planned on it even before my pukefest last night. Chances are good I will still feel so gross from lack of sleep and stomach contents that I won't want to eat or drink much anyway. #purgediet

New recipe tomorrow, as I plan to try a vegan cheese sauce recipe today for use tomorrow. 😋

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