This entry comes to you from the new keyboard of my new Acer Chromebook 11. With the laptop I have had for about 6 years now not holding a charge any more, and not even making a clean connection to the power cable, I have been cursing its existence for awhile now and finally had enough. I have my desktop PC, of course, but I prefer to game on that computer. This little baby will be great for travelling, blogging, and general internet usage.
And it is FAST. Boots up in 7 seconds, fast. The keyboard takes some getting used to because it is smaller than I am used to (and has some keys only the Chrome OS has, such as no caps lock key and instead has a search button). It's no easy task to train my man hands to avoid hitting one particular key near the Shift key, either, but muscle memory is a wonderful thing so I'll figure it out in a day or two.
Or not. |
On the food and exercise front, today has been a great day. We went to the gym before noon today, and I punched 30 minutes on the Arc Trainer, 10 on the treadmill, and 20 on the weight circuit, 15 leg presses, and some leg lifts to rip my abs out, for a grand total of 613 calories burned. I'm not sure how KJ made out number-wise, but I do know he was melting. Nothing a shower couldn't fix.
Once the hard part of the day was over, we went shopping. Costco was surprisingly civil, and we bought a fresh supply of fruit & vegetables for the next week's worth of dieting. I even bought a box of protein bars for the days when I know I should eat something but I'm not hungry. Watching 'My 600-lb Life' actually gave me some useful information last week (aside from "don't sit still and eat a pallet of Hot Pockets for 10 years"), which was Protein vs Sugar/Fat on food labels. If the Protein (g) is in double digits and the Sugar/Fat (g) are in single digits, green light. If those values are reversed, red light. Maybe find yourself another snack. Obviously this applies directly to people watching their weight. If you are a stick person or one of those people with metabolism where your humanity should be, eat away.

Overall, today has been a pretty good day. Even after all day on the go, we are planning to take the dogs for a walk before it gets dark, make ourselves a chicken stir fry for dinner, watch a movie perhaps. Nothing overly exciting happening today, just regular, every day mundane life stuff.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be funnier.