Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Hiatus ended

Hey guys.

Yep, still alive. Just took a hiatus from writing. I was having a moody week last week, and while I was still trying to eat well and exercise, I simply was not doing anything worth talking about. Bitching and moaning over not having the car because KJ was working, or feeling like punting people due to PMS? Waahhh... cry me a river, right? So, I took a break from writing about life because I don't enjoy writing about life when life feels that petty and mundane to me.

In any event, today was a great day. We're in the midst of a closet renovation. Our clothes are everywhere, and our bedroom looks like a bomb went off. Instead of sitting around in this mess waiting for plaster to dry, we went out for breakfast this morning, and then we took the dogs for a 6 km walk through the woods on a trail nearby. An hour and 9 minutes from start to finish, we were home. I had burned 620 calories, and the dogs were exhausted.

Tonight for dinner, we made a vegetarian eggplant lasagna (that's using slices of eggplant instead of noodles), and a Caesar salad and it was frigging delicious! I highly recommend trying it if you have a gluten allergy. I didn't realize I was sensitive to gluten (or something in breads and pastas) until I had bread after 4 weeks without. My guts were in agony! Then again, maybe it was all the pulled pork... who knows? I am queen of the pork fart, after all.

Miss me?